Google launches five spaces to teach users optimize their work online

Google has released a set of five physical and online facilities to explain to users how the mechanisms Internet search for information and interaction among sailors. Currently the initiative is still in beta, is physically located in the Science Museum in London, where users can interact in person at the museum, or through the web .

One of the most surprising is the Data Tracer where the user moves comprises as information on the network. Shows the change initiative is subjected to an information from which is introduced into a search until it finds. For now from the online space you can see the search path through 3D maps from the Science Museum in London to the point where the servers.

Another useful initiative is the Tag Explorer Lab , where users become aware of the good positioning necessidad their creations on the Internet, which is clear to name the product being offered as well as words that define it. Ie take into account everything that comprises a good use of what is known as SEO (Search Engine Organization).

Also through the Teleporter users have the opportunity to learn to compress content without losing quality and send them to your contacts.
Also in Entertainment

But Google is not only to teach users, so it has created two other areas used primarily for entertainment. Thus we find the space Sketchbots where users can upload their photographs and a drawing robot above the sand, and the jewel in the crown, the space Universal Orchestra , an interface where users can play instruments from around the world. The procedure is as follows: the space itself gives the user a tool to six notes, and from that moment the player begins to create a song along with other online users who play other instruments. Finally the user can send your composition to your personal mail.
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