Information About Fats | Tests For Fats and Oils

Fats. The last class of nutrients is the fats and oils, which are also composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They differ from carbohydrates in having less oxygen. Hence they oxidize more readily and as a result their chief use is to produce energy.

Plants store fats in their seeds to supply energy for growth; animals store fats in various places and use them for the same purpose.

Kinds. Cotton-seed oil, olive oil, and the oils from various nuts are examples of vegetable fats; while lard, butter, and fat meats are familiar examples of fat from animals.

Test for Fats and Oils

The substance should be crushed as finely as possible and treated with ether. This will dissolve out any fat or oil that may be present and the solution can then be poured off. When the ether evaporates the fat will remain in the dish.

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