Strawberries Can Cause Cold Sores on Lips?

Strawberries Can Cause Cold Sores on Lips?The virus that causes it can spread through kissing. This can also occur when there is exposure to strong winds and direct sunlight. Cold injury is also caused when the body is under stress. This can be controlled by maintaining a strong immune system, stress-free with healthy eating, exercise and keeping blood sugar levels stable.

This is a general belief for a long time that causes sores cold strawberry. People tend to confuse cold sores with injuries. In fact, the strawberry is one fruit loaded with vitamin C which helps to build a strong immune system. So, is highly unlikely that the strawberries can cause cold injury. This also helps control blood sugar which is very important to avert any disease such as cold cuts.

Strawberries Can Cause Cold Sores on Lips?
Actually, strawberries can cause canker sores. Canker injuries differ from cold injury. Strawberries contain large amounts of citric acid, and can consume a large amount of strawberries

Citric acid caused damage to a soft layer of the mouth that lead to canker sores. People are usually confused with cold sores wounds. There are ways to distinguish between the two oral diseases. Cold injury is not limited to the inside of the mouth, while canker sores are always found on the inside of the mouth. Also, canker sores are not contagious like a cold injury. Strawberries help to treat cold cuts, because the rich in vitamin C. However, they can cause canker sores by their nature very acidic.

So, first of all very important to understand the difference between cancer and cold cuts and remember how strawberries can cure or cause one of the two.
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