When Parents Can not MMR vaccine, Babies Born Blind and Deaf

Vaccination is very important given as a preventive measure against certain types of diseases. If passed, the impact is not only attacking themselves, but also descent. For example, outbreaks of rubella cases in the UK are at risk of making babies there are born blind.
Professor Colin Blakemore, former chief executive of the Medical Research Council in the UK, said that the rubella-infected pregnant women at high risk of giving birth to babies with abnormalities blindness, deafness and heart problems.
Blakemore prof's statement refers to rubella or German measles outbreak that hit South Wales, UK. To date, at least 1,356 people infected. According to Blakemore, this is only the first stage of the long-term effects that can be caused by outbreaks of rubella and mumps.
"Do not forget that babies are not given the MMR vaccine at the peak of the crisis is now in early adolescence. Did not take long for these girls to get pregnant. They face the consequences of the lack of protection against other diseases," said Prof Blakemore as reported by the Telegraph , Sunday (06/01/2013).
MMR vaccine can prevent the disease known Mump (mumps), measles (measles) and rubella (German measles). The vaccine is usually given to children over the age of 1 year. In the UK, the MMR vaccine apparently still have problem.
It is estimated more than 300,000 children are now aged 10-16 years there has not been vaccinated. There are still many people who refuse vaccination because of a statement in the British researcher named Andrew Wakefield linking the MMR vaccine with autism risk.
"Mumps can make men become infertile. Rubella-infected women have a 20 percent chance of having an abortion. Majority of infants who survive suffer from deafness, blindness and heart abnormalities syndrome can not be cured due to rubella," said Prof Blakemore.
Institutions formations named British Department of Health Public Health England is campaigning for support for the MMR vaccine. They also urged the youth who have not been vaccinated for MMR vaccine injected immediately.
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