Variety Pineapple Fruit Benefits for Health Body

Pineapple fruit may not be as popular fruits in general such as apples, oranges , or bananas . However, the pineapple also has health benefits that are not less great with these fruits. Generally, pineapple fruit is often processed into jam or juice. For maximum benefit, you can also eat them straight in a fresh state like other fruits.

For health benefits of pineapple

There are several benefits of pineapple fruit for health, and they are as follows:

Prevent bloating
Pineapple contains bromelain, a substance that can help break down food so as to reduce bloating in the stomach . In addition, these substances are also considered effective in reducing postoperative inflammation, reduce pain due to osteoarthritis , and help relieve swelling due to nasal sinusitis infection.

Helps prevent cancer
Carcinogenic contained in pineapple fruit known to be effective in reducing the risk of cancer. Carcinogenic substances play a role in protecting the healthy cells in the body from damage. The number of damaged cells in the body can lead to premature aging and encourage the arrival of various diseases.

Help bone health
Pineapple contains essential minerals such as calcium and manganese that can help maintain bone health and strengthen connective tissue. University of Maryland Medical Center says that manganese also plays a role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, helps the absorption of calcium, and regulate blood sugar. In addition, manganese is important to maintain the function of the nerves and the brain.

Prevent blood clots
Fruit that tastes sour-sweet and refreshing it can also prevent blood clotting. In addition, the pineapple fruit has a role in producing hemoglobin in the body. Pineapple contains copper, in which the body lacks these substances if it can lead to anemia, decreased white blood cell levels, thyroid problems, and osteoporosis .

Against free radicals
Pineapple contains vitamin C which is very high. World's Healthiest Foods noted that vitamin C is an important antioxidant role in helping to protect the body from free radical damage. In addition, vitamin C can also help reduce the risk of atheroclerosis, colon cancer, and reduce inflammation in joint diseases.

Other benefits of pineapple:
  • In addition to strengthening bones, minerals contained in pineapple can help strengthen gums and teeth, and keep it healthy.
  • Just like carrots , pineapple also contains beta-carotene which is useful in improving the quality of vision.
  • Pineapple fruit contains fiber and micronutrients that can give the effect of fuller for longer. So indirectly, pineapple fruit can help to control and lose weight .

That's some pineapple fruit for health benefits. If you have certain conditions such as having allergies or diabetes, you should consult your doctor first before eating pineapple fruit.
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