Successful Breastfeeding and Breast Milk Saving Tips

Basic knowledge of breastfeeding and storing breast milk is needed. Site owned by the Department of Health and Social Services United States, / fdac / feature provides tips for a successful breast-feeding mothers.
In addition, there is also a tip to save milk from Dr. Utami Roesli children.

Successful breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is recommended starting one hour after birth. Although not yet out milk, but was able to produce colostrum, which function as antibodies for the baby.
Frequency of breastfeeding can be provided on a needs basis. However, newborn babies usually nurse every two hours.

Caution against possible infections that may occur on the putting the milk. Symptoms of infection is usually followed by fever and pain. When that happens, check with your doctor immediately.
Improve the quality of food consumed.

Lactating women are required to conduct a balanced diet so that your baby's nutritional needs can be met properly.
Storing Dairy milk

Issuing ASI should not use a manual pump equipment sold in pharmacies and shops. Generally, doctors do not recommend using manual pumps because they can damage the breast tissue, sterilization equipment and processes is questionable. Suggested uses an electric pump, or three fingers of dairy systems can be studied in lactation clinics.

Milk should be stored in small bottles that have been sterilized, so it can be used as needed. Breast milk has been heated can not be restored in a thermos or refrigerator.

Stored in open spaces can last six to eight hours.
In the flask containing ice can last about 24 hours.
Stored in the fruit, fridge, can last two times 24 hours.
Stored in the freezer door in the same place the fruit, endurance breastfeeding up to two weeks.
Stored in the freezer that the door is different from the fruit or often called a two-door refrigerator, breast milk up to three months endurance.

When you do not really have to, usually the doctors do not recommend storing breastmilk in the freezer. Therefore, milk that has been stored in the freezer will lose some type of antibodies that your baby needs.

Do not heat the milk directly over the fire. Use hot water to warm milk flowing before given to infants.
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1 yorum:

Breastfeeding helps children to be healthier, since it will have antibodies in it,which will help the child to fight against virus.


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