How to Increase Breast Milk Production Naturally ?

Breast milk is the first nutrition for your child. For the new mom, breastfeeding is a lack of productivity that makes a panic. Often, excessive fear struck. Especially when thinking that the child can not get exclusive breastfeeding for six months would be more disturbing.

Milk productivity can be added starting from early pregnancy. Various nutritional intake of pregnant women and special supplements to be one surefire way.

But often the women did not realize when your baby is born. Milk production in a woman's body was influenced by many factors, including lifestyle. Therefore, ways to overcome it must be composed of various aspects.

First of all there is to know by the new mommy is a variety of ingredients that contain anti-Galactogogues. Anti-Galactogogues is a substance that can stop breast milk production. Usually contained in vegetables, herbs are also drugs.

Vegetables and herbs containing anti-Galactogogues include cabbage and mint. While drugs that need to be avoided is pseudoephedrine (drug for kidney disease) and anti-histamines (anti-drunk).

Another thing that will increase milk production is as follows.

1. Sleep
Milk production is also determined by the physical and mental condition. Enough sleep will make physical and mental condition to be recovered. Even a new mama advised to sleep 10 hours per day like a baby to recover his physical condition.

2. Drinking Water
Dehydration is one cause of reduced milk production. Because of
therefore advisable for the mother to drink enough water so that milk production

3. Given stimulus
Sometimes breastfeeding is not hard to get out because of low production, but need the stimulation. Try to encourage your baby to drink milk directly. It will stimulate the milk for easy exit and continue to be produced.
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