Learn the benefits of soybeans and tempeh

Soybean Tempeh Made from soy beans fermented with fungus Rhizopus oligosporus.

Nutrient content (100 grams): Protein 20.8 grams, 8.8 grams fat, 1.4 grams fiber, 155 milligrams calcium, 326 milligrams of phosphorus, iron, 4 milligrams, 0.19 milligrams of vitamin B1, 34 micrograms of carotene.

Benefits of soybean tempeh:

Anemia & Osteoporosis Prevention
Tempe believed to be useful to prevent anemia and osteoporosis, two diseases that stout woman suffered, because the nature of women who have experienced menstruation, pregnancy and breast-feeding a baby. This anemia can attack women who are lazy to eat, for fear of fat, so the supply and production of red blood cells in the body decreases, tempeh can also serve as suppliers of minerals, vitamin B12 (found in animal foods), and iron urgently needed in the formation of red blood cells. In addition, tempeh is also able to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood. Compound protein, fatty acids PUFAs, fiber, niacin, and calcium in soybean can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol.

Preventing Breast Cancer and Aging
Inside the Tempe also found a substance in the form isofalvon antioxidant. Like vitamins C, E and carotenoids, isoflavones are antioxidants which are needed to stop the body's reaction to the formation of free radikan. In there are three types of soy isoflavones, namely daidzein, glisitein, and genistein. In Tempe, in addition to the three types of isoflavones also have antioxidant factor II (6,7,4 trihydroxy isoflavone), which has the most powerful antioxidant properties compared with the isoflavones in soy.

Research conducted at the University of North Carolina, United States, found that genestein and phytoestrogens found in soybean was able to prevent prostate cancer, breast, and aging (aging). Antioxidants disentesis at the time the fermentation process of soybeans into soybean by bacteria Micrococcus leteus and Coreyne bacterium.

Containing a natural antibiotic
Rhizopus fungi to produce natural antibiotic substances against a number of harmful organisms. Natural antibiotic substances in Tempe, this could be a cure for dysentery if consumed every day.

High fiber
One serving of tempeh contains high fiber. This fiber is required for healthy digestive tract and prevent the various chronic diseases in the future.

According to some experts, is the hormone estrogen in soy isoflavones can inhibit aging. Besides consuming soy in addition to beauty cheap also safe, compared to chemicals that promise quick results but are at risk.

Maybe there are many benefits of soy tempeh is not everything can be mentioned here.
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