This Robot With Linux Operating System | robot QBO

What's so special about the robot QBO? Well the main, this robot is running on the Linux operating system and will offer an open source code for advanced programmers can take advantage of it.

QBO TheCorpora robot manufacturers complements robots with different kinds of sensors, a high-def stereo webcam eye, ear microphone, and even mouth LED. Inside the belly lies the Mini-ITX motherboard and be able to connect internet via WiFi, Bluetooth equipped, an Intel Atom processor and NVIDIA graphics Ion. Unfortunately, this robotic arm that would not have emang neh but smart in recognizing the environment because it can recognize faces mapun object.

Linux robot

There is also a speech recognition system so that we can talk to this robot and there is also a Speech Synthesis System, APIs and Web Control panel. The price is unknown at this time.

You can follow the development of this robot in
QBO Robot Specifications:

* Height 456mm
* Width 314mm
* Depth 292.5 mm
* 9-11Kg Weight aprox.
* Charge: Autocharging Dock Station


* Ears & a unidirectional two omnidirectional microphones
* Eyes 2 Webcams HiDef & second eyelids
* Movements 4 Servos (Up-Down, Left-Right)
* Mouth 20 leds
* Led a Nose
* Connections Wifi PCB 802g / n & Bluetooth antenna &
* QPR2 a controller PCB Hardware


* 4 Ultrasonic Sensors, 1st & 3rd Sharp Infrared
* Motors 2 DC Motors with Magnetic encoder (170 RPM)
* Wheels 2 Wheels (rear) & a Free Wheel (front)
2 * High Quality Sound Speakers
* Controllers play a mini-ITX board powered by NVIDIA ION ATOM & Graphic
* QPR1 a controller PCB Hardware
* Battery 1 Sealed battery (7.5Ah)
* Robot Status 1 Lcd Display 20 × 4

SOME OF QBO's Skills:

* Stereoscopic vision
* Speech Recognition System
* Speech Synthesis System
* QBO's APIs & Web control panel
* WiFi & Bluetooth connections
* QBO avoid crashes and falls thanks to ultrasound sensors
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