Teleportation can be achieved 10 Year Again
- on July 14, 2010
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According to a survey involving 1,500 British citizens, approximately 31 percent of them believe that if the teleportation technology will be realized in the near future.
Teleportation itself is a technology that can move the object / person from one place to another through space and time. This technology has the same sense with the theory of quantum leap.
Amazingly, through a survey conducted computer company Cisco, many British citizens who believe in this theory. In fact, they are more skeptical of the technology available today. Many of those who believe if a new video conferencing technology will be booming in a much longer period, although this technology is already in general use today.
In fact, the public predictions about the future of technology such as broadband is also quite surprising and terlau does not seem accurate. Of the total respondents, approximately 65 percent of them believe that if 100 Mbps broadband connection may not be implemented within four to six years in the future. Even ultra high speed broadband connections will be implemented in several cities in the UK until the end of this year.
This report provides insight into the expectations of society towards technology as well as how well people perform filtering information into environmental innovation.
"25 years ago there were approximately 1000 hosts on the Internet, now there are more than 1.7 billion Internet users worldwide, and human networks to create change in the way we live our lives, businesses and jobs," said Cisco CEO and VP of Ireland and England.
Although there has been a big leap in technology in recent years but many of the general public who just are not aware of new technologies.
Smart Fridge example. Many of respondents who believe that if such new technology will be implemented in the year 2015. But it turns out, Electrolux now has a refrigerator model that is able to send picture messages (MMS).
The survey is part of Cisco's report, entitled 'Connected Conversations'.
CEO Phil Smith also commented on the future of technology and stating that if 2010 was a year of considerable importance. "2010 is the year of change in Green technology, fast broadband, business intelligence, digital economy, community regeneration, innovation, infrastructure, public sector efficiency. This is more than just words. They are important elements that will shape, not just the British economy, but the whole world, "he said.
"Technology has become a big part to play in the UK in preparing for the future, and we are far more ambitious to create technology that can provide something for us," he added.
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