Plants antidote Environmental Pollution Around Home

The air is fresh, clean, and free of pollutants around the house has an important role in supporting health.Many ways to achieve this goal. The experts suggested that plants utilize to obtain good air quality. Plants are placed around the house, including in the room (indoor) can provide benefits in the form of clean air and quality.

8 Plant Type antidote Pollution

There are at least 8 species of plants are recommended to be planted and placed around the house.Utilization of these plants allows air inside the home become more healthy, clean, and fresh. The plants are fairly easy to find and most have several components such as roots, leaves, and beneficial bacteria in the soil to clean up toxic air.
Toxins that can be expelled is formadehyda and benzene. Formadehyda is a substance that can cause irritation to the eyes, throat, and nose. While benzene is an organic chemical compound which is often found in cigarette smoke.
The few plants that are recommended for planting in the home environment are:

1. Peace Lily 

Spathiphyllum or better known as the peace lily flower easily found in tropical areas such as Southeast Asia and some countries in the Americas. Plants have white flowers are beautiful and useful in reducing harmful substances such as chloroform, alcohol, and acetone, which are found on the office stationery.

2. Suji (Dracaena) 

Suji is an annual herbaceous plant where the leaves are often used as a natural dye for food. The leaves provide the color green is much more concentrated than the fragrant pandan leaves. This plant also has anti-pollutant properties making it beneficial to keep the air clean and healthy.

3. Bamboo palm 

This plant needs bright light in order to thrive. Bamboo palm thrives in moist areas and do not really need a lot of water. Although sometimes invite insects or spiders, this plant serves to absorb toxins. To prevent the arrival of the animals, spray pesticides.

4. English Ivy 

This plant is useful to absorb poluten. In addition, English Ivy can also help reduce stress and beneficial to help overcome asthma . Even some minor research shows that this plant has anti-cancer properties and antioxidants.

5. Sri fortune (Aglaonema) 

Ornamental plant of the tribe-talasan taro is quite popular and known by other names such as Aglaonema or Chinese evergreen. Sri windfall to the various pollutants. Associated Landscape Contractors of America through his research revealed that this plant has anti-bacterial effects by suppressing the population of harmful bacteria and mold spores by 50 percent.

6. Tongue-in-Law 

Also known as sanseviera, tongue-in-law is a plant that can be grown indoors as it does not require much water and sunlight. Adaptability of this plant is very high and drought resistant. Based on the research of NASA, the tongue-in-law containing pregnan glikosid, the active ingredient that is useful to break down pollutants into amino acids, sugars, and organic acids. Thus, these pollutants are no longer harmful to humans. In addition, the tongue-in-law could also absorb radiation from electronic equipment that is in the room.

7. Other plants 

Other plants that can absorb pollutants is Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum flower) and Gerbera Daisy (Daisy Flower). These plants used for reducing the levels of pollution from pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and Trichloroethylene.

Actually there are many other plants that can be grown and placed around your home, but some plant species that have been described are at least able to represent. Hopefully this article useful.
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