Quick Ways To Treat Thrush

How to Quickly Treating Thrush - Thrush is a mouth wound in a very disturbing, all activities associated with the mouth area becomes very difficult to do, like eating up talk. However, there are several ways to treat thrush without certain drugs. Like what? Please read more tips:

Using Coffee Powder
Simply by applying a little coffee powder gets thrush, let stand a few minutes then rinse.

Leather Trunk with Cashew
How to make it not too difficult. Simply by setting up water guava bark as much as 10gr and wash then mash until smooth. Once you enter into the smooth half a glass of water. Strain the water and use to rinse.

Gargling with salt water
Gargle with warm water mixed with salt three times a day to heal canker sores. But be careful, when salt touches the sore area sprue it tolerable.

Spread onion and papaya
Apply directly to the wound ulcer drugs can also speed up the healing process.
Use raw onion, papaya or tea bag directly on the wound canker sores.

Drinking yogurt
Yogurt control the balance of bacteria in the mouth and body. With this, you can speed up the healing process.

Expand Drinking Multivitamin
Increase consumption of vitamin B, vitamin C, iron and folic acid also plays a role in preventing canker sores and heal wounds.

Expand Drinking Water White
Possibility, canker sores are also caused by the lack of body fluids due to the heat inside. So, drink more water than ever before.

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