Police arrest former CEO of Anglo Irish Bank for fraud

Irish police have released this morning, former CEO of Anglo Irish Bank, Sean FitzPatrick, after it was stopped early at the airport in Dublin. The head, investigated by the crisis of the institution nationalized in 2009 after being hit by the housing bubble, has been released on bail of 11,000 euros. While research is conducted must be submitted at the police station every week.

FitzPatrick, which was arrested last year reached U.S. this morning and was surprised by the police. During the day today, the court shall state in the Irish capital for "financial irregularities and fraud" during his time as CEO, according to the case. Sean FitzPatrick Anglo abandoned after it was discovered that the auditors had hidden € 87 million in personal loans by transferring it to an Irish property company.

Two exdirectivos the bank, the former Director of Finance, William McAteer and former CEO of Anglo Irish, Patrick Whelan, said Monday the crisis in the party after the bursting of the housing bubble. Both face 16 charges relating to "illegal provision of financial assistance" to "16 individuals" in July 2008 with the purpose of fraudulently revalue the shares of Anglo Irish Bank.

After nationalization, the Irish State agency received 30,000 million euros, almost half of what you need the whole country's financial sector. The organization, which recently changed its name to the Irish Banking Resolution Corporation, was known to be one of granting credit risk more easily.

The bank nationalization was a real drag for Ireland. A year after the state was forced to make the decision, the deficit came to an unsustainable 32% . The situation forced the country to ransom the Eurogroup, which brings together finance ministers of the euro area, which was finally granted in November 2010 and amounted to 85,000 million euros .

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