How to treat morbid obesity?
- on February 26, 2012
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50-100 million people are morbidly obese in the world.
Treatment to prevent, cure and better control of comorbid illnesses related to obesity
Billions are spent annually to treat millions of patients suffering from diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, sleep apnea, cancer, asthma, reflux, infertility, back pain , and osteoarthritis. What if there was a treatment that could prevent, heal and give more control to all these diseases?
This is the case of bariatric surgery, with placement of a gastric band or gastric bypass. So why these treatments are not they more often used in health care?
For overweight people whose weight exceeds 150 kg, after having tried every diet, every exercise program, even going to summer camps for overweight people, it's not much hope . Because at this stage, life is threatened by the likelihood of early death.
People with morbid obesity are found very frequently depressed and lose confidence. When a person reaches this stage of morbid obesity, self-deception clings to her as "the stench of a battlefield," describes a New York surgeon who himself suffered from this condition.
1 billion adults and 28 million obese children in the world
Then these people come to believe that the general public thinks: that their obesity is a mental aberration and giving them physical work capacity and other ethnic below.
Morbid obesity for people whose Body Mass Index greater than 35 (knowing that index between 18-25 is considered normal, between 25-30 is considered overweight, and when is greater than 30 indicates a state of obesity).
For those of you facing this problem know that you are not alone. In the U.S., over 91 million people (or 78 million adults and 13 million children) are obese. One billion adults and 28 million children under 6 years are affected by this condition worldwide, while only 5 to 10% (50-100 million) are morbidly obese.
Today the main use of morbid obesity are drug therapies, whose effects are long, but bariatric surgery safe and effective regardless of age.
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