Wrong Diagnosis for some Diseases

Some diseases sometimes have the same symptoms, so the wrong diagnosis could happen. Because it knew six diseases or conditions in women who are often wrong diagnosis.

If the illness does not go away or improve, it could not hurt to find out what's causing it. There is a possibility it was due to an error of diagnosis, so the actual disease or an underlying yet unhealed.

Every doctor has the possibility to perform error diagnosis, however if the patient does not feel better should try to find another alternative.

1. Flatulence
Most women often experience abdominal bloating, such as after dinner, around the time of menstruation, eating too much salt or stress. This condition can occur in mild to severe stages.

However, some cases can be serious bloating as a symptom of ovarian cancer or the growth of bacteria that are too fast in the small intestine (diverticulitis).

2. Irritable bowel syndrome (Irritable bowel syndrome / IBS)
This disease is one of the most common diagnostic errors. Usually diagnosed as a simple stomach upset or bloating as a symptom of PMS.

Symptoms of IBS is caused by severe abdominal pain, cramping, excessive gas, bowel movement pattern of irregular (diarrhea, constipation or both). This condition can be treated with dietary changes, such as multiply to consume fiber.

3. Heart disease
Heart disease is one of the deadly disease and is often misdiagnosed as the disease Heartburn (burning sensation in the stomach) or excessive anxiety. Because the symptoms of heart disease that may arise such as chest pain, shortness of breath and nausea, a symptom of these two diseases.

Other symptoms of heart diseases are heart palpitations, dizziness and fatigue during the day despite getting a good night's rest.

4. Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is often referred to as 'invisible disease (invisible disease)'. This is because it is difficult to diagnose and is also relatively rare. Most of the symptoms is the feeling of tingling in the skin, muscle pain and cramps, leg weakness and even pain on the nerves.

The symptoms can vary from person to person, so often interpreted as depression, lupus, Lyme disease, sleep disorders or thyroid disorders.

5. Thyroid disease
Because common symptoms are weight gain, dry skin, brittle nails, constipation and the pain, or pain, then the thyroid disease is often misdiagnosed.

For instance diagnosed as depression, hormonal imbalance or in the elderly as symptoms of menopause. These symptoms occur gradually, so sometimes it is difficult to diagnose by a doctor.

6. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Chronic fatigue syndrome)
When someone was tired, usually with the rest will be lost. But for this syndrome does not quickly disappear and are usually characterized by lethargy, irritability, muscle pain and in some cases memory loss.

Symptoms are often diagnosed as the flu, colds or other infectious diseases. There is no appropriate test for this disease, but doctors should be able to get rid of other diseases through several tests.
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