Kidney Stone Cause And Cure
- on August 08, 2010
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Did you ever hear about the disease "Kidney Stone"? or even you may also have experienced or are still suffering from kidney stones?
Kidney stones are rock hard mass that forms in the urinary tract and can cause pain, bleeding, infection or blockage of urine flow. These stones can form inside the kidneys (kidney stones) and in the bladder (bladder stones). The process of stone formation is called urolitiasis (litiasis renal nefrolitiasis).
Who can get kidney stones? Kidney stones were found on one of 1,000 people, usually more prevalent in men (aged 30-50 years) than women. Also encountered in certain areas. Although it is certainly not known to cause kidney stones, the likelihood is that if the urine becomes too concentrated and substances in urine form crystals in the stone. Other causes are infection, obstruction, excess secretion of parathyroid hormone, in renal tubular acidosis, elevated levels of uric acid (usually in conjunction with inflammation of the joints), damage to the metabolism of several types of materials in the body, too much use of vitamin D or consuming too much calcium .
Kidney stone disease is usually difficult to detect at first because it does not cause symptoms, blockage or infection, usually needs no treatment.
In general, symptoms of kidney disease are as follows:
* Pain in the rear or side of the body
* Blood in urine
* Vomiting
* Fever
* Frequent urination, or wanting to urinate
* Pain when urinating
Then how do we know? The doctor usually will ask for symptoms, then perform the following tests:
1.Foto X-ray of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder to show the existence of kidney stones.
2.Ultrasound kidney, is a non-invasive tests that use high frequency waves will detect obstruction and its changes.
3.Pemberian intravenous dyes and scan to confirm diagnosis and determine the size and location of kidney stones.
4.Analisis stone to determine its mineral content.
5.Analisis urine culture to show the type of bacteria causing the infection, and others.
If the stone is still small kidney shape, usually to drink plenty of fluids will increase urine formation and help to remove some stones and if the stone has been wasted, it is not necessary immediate treatment. But sometimes, the stones are too large just can not get out through urine. When this happens it causes pain and may cause obstruction (blockage) due to the inhibition of urine flow out.
When a kidney stone moves into the renal pelvis, can obstruct the flow of urine and kidneys can also be swollen, so that work can interfere with the kidneys.
Ways to prevent kidney stones depends on the composition of kidney stones found in patients. Kidney stones were analyzed and measured levels of substances that can cause kidney stones in the urine. Normally the composition of forming kidney stones are calcium and uric acid.
If the composition is a calcium kidney stone formers is recommended to drink plenty of water (8-10 glasses / day) and consuming a diet low in calcium and sodium cellulose phosphate. Most people with calcium stones have hypercalciuria, in which levels of calcium in the urine is very high. Thiazid diuretic drugs (eg trichlormetazid) will reduce new stone formation.
The second composition forming kidney stones are uric acid. Uric acid stones form when urine acidity increases, because it was to create an atmosphere of alkaline urine (alkaline), potassium citrate can be given. And are strongly encouraged to drink plenty of water. Also recommended to reduce the intake of meat, fish and poultry, because these foods cause increased levels of uric acid in urine.
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