How To Educate Children At Home | 10 Ways to Educate

As a career woman who is always busy with work routines are solid. Make us very limited time for our children. Though we'd love to be constantly close to the baby. but can roughly guns yes our limited time into quality? and ... maybe guns so we can become effective the parents?

According to the psychologist as long as we can take advantage of the time, busy parents who can raise the child must be fixed properly. Since there are no children whose parents are of course also have a one hundred percent of the time at home, can have a quality of physical, mental and psychological better than children whose parents had a lot of time out in the workplace. Because child development is not dependent on the quantity of time parents alias with his son. But more to quality.

Mother every day at home, but not too much care on her child's growth, for example mother were watching television alone, while her son left to play alone without guidance from him. Not be comparable to working mothers, but use a limited time maximally to follow and guide the growth and development of children.

Anyone would want to be a good parent. And to become parents really need to learn. But unfortunately, the school to become a parent does not exist. How should parents take the time to be effective? tipsnya following.

1. Approach children, understand their character

Parents who are both trying to understand his character. There are children who from the beginning of the character, shy, jovial. Introvert, extrovert or confidently. Should treat them in accordance with his character, and never force a child to undergo another character. Or make him do something he has not felt ready.

For example forcing a shy child to progress to the stage, while he's not ready. Parents and teachers can only prepare mentally, but contending that mental preparation is the children themselves. Instead of 'fighting' with the kids backstage. Better to give him time to manage feelings. On another occasion, he might be more daring. If forced, the child can be overwhelmed and stress.

Time and energy you provide any wasted. To understand a child, you surely must be close to them. And make yourself as a person close to the vent so the place will also need tricks. If the child is in trouble, give a sense of empathy and attention. Show that you care and want him back cheerfully. If the characters do not force your child covered him to get to the point to tell the problem.

Children have even more silenced. Approach slowly, with whom he talked from the heart, from there you can go to the principal masalnya. Although sibuuk, be an active listener. do not pretend to listen when I did not and still working. Divert concentrations to him or seek to delay the talks shortly.

2. POSITIVE Parenting

Apply positive parenting behavior is a good value each child as much as possible and try to remedy to punish him as little as possible. If children make mistakes, do not immediately rebuked. But dig a reason he did it, and invite them to think whether it is good or not. Remain calm, because basically every child's behavior is the process of finding her identity or identities. In this way, your child understand and stress free. Children aged one to two years is the age that all behavior is msaih exploration. So give it a chance, because it is very beneficial for the development of the brain.

3. Involve and invite DISCUSSION

Want children are brave and have a lead character? engage in family discussions, listen to and respect their opinion. Do it since she was little, so that memory stuck in his memory. Discuss many things to start from choosing food, clothes, travel to where, until her own school. It is important to establish his confidence. With this habit, children will also be familiar with problem solving in a democratic manner. Begin to involve them into the household tasks of everyday life, certainly with them correspond to his age. Children usually will feel happy, if she feels needed by others and be useful to others.

4. Take advantage of EVERY CHANCE

If you are a working parent, then the smart use limited opportunities to communicate with your child as effectively as possible. Playfully, try to get pembicaaan that 'contain'. For example, take the child with a relaxed chat about various things when you take her to the school. Also use the opportunity to instill positive values when you accompany him to watch television. Inviting discussion always begins with the questions that make him unique danmungkin amused. Missal. "Son, why ya man is sometimes sick? What bacteria can also hurt you? "

5. Take time SPECIAL

Spend some special time to be alone with children is essential to foster bonding between you and the kids. Take advantage of the opportunity both to understand and get closer to children. You can take advantage of this time starting from when to wake or deliver it to sleep, play together, watching TV together, go together to places of interest, and more. Try every day there is a special time for each child. It would be better utilized if the time off to be with family.


If the child's childhood accustomed to discipline, then he will become a regular person as an adult. Apply start from small things. brush your teeth, wash your feet, straighten the bed after getting up early, very good to get more organized their lives as adults. Apply discipline consistently. If the child melalaikannya, there is no harm in your provide sanski. Needless to her tantrums, even good if you and your child do with a laugh. Give the sanctions that are educational, such as telling her to do chores around the house and need to be remembered. Do not give out its first sanction in a few omissions. Give if a child repeatedly make the same mistake.


Children are great imitators, so be careful in behaving and running habits.

Golden-age child (0-5 years) have a very strong memory, so anything you can do to invest in when adults behave.

She learned to behave through his investigations on the behavior of their parents.
So berperilakulah good and avoid dirty words, because what we say and we are doing is in the capital for our children to behave and utter.

8. LOVE LOVE express

Every parent would love their children, and vice versa. But not infrequently the parents thought it was not important. In fact, getting the love is the right of every child. Included in verbal form. Such as 'mama love you'. This is a very big influence to the children. Feeling cared for and loved. So that children have a deep emotional attachment to the child's parents also have the feeling smooth, gentle and loving toward others. Expression of love, with the word love. Hugs and kisses caress every opportunity.


Denagn Communicate clearly and gently. When you give commands to the child.

Provide specific instructions with clear sentence to avoid confusion.

Stop lecturing, scolding or reprimand the child at length and even by shouting.
Instead they took frequent discussions. Never spoke with a loud and violent against children. If you do not want them to imitate.

10. WHEN ANGRY, CHILDREN should not be rebound

Behavior of children sometimes make parents upset and annoyed. Especially if the work and confusion in the office are brought home. If you experience this, do not ever make the child the rebound exacerbation. Because angry, scolding the child becomes the object, emotion or bahakan to make us ignore and take notice. When angry, self-control tend to be lower but it never takes it out to the children. In front of them, still behave as normal. A time to a moment of free time for thinking and introspection. Take a deep breath and try to think to find the best solution for your problem. One important thing: Effective parents also need time for themselves.
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