Erectile Dysfunction In Men

Erectile dysfunction in men can be caused by various factors, such as: age, psychological factors, the presence of certain diseases, the influence of habits / lifestyle or side effects from medications used to treat a disease. This time medicastore try to discuss about erectile dysfunction as a side effect of certain drugs, especially drug used to treat hypertension or high blood diseases.
Erection Mechanism

Previously, we'll discuss a bit about the occurrence of an erection. Inside the penis there are two pieces hollow network called corpora cavernosa that play a role in the event of an erection. Corpora cavernosa consists of arteries and veins, as well as muscle tissue and the cavity is empty. Below there are corpora cavernosa corpora spongiosum tissue, in which there urethra channels that drain the urine and semen.

At the time of erection, nerves in the brain sends signals to nerves in the penis that causes the muscles of the corpora cavernosa to relax and widen an artery, it causes blood to flow into the empty cavity.

The presence of blood flow in the arteries causing tissue that wraps the cavity pressure veins that normally drain blood from the penis back. As a result, the blood becomes trapped inside the penis, so the penis becomes erect tense and there. When the sensation of an erection has been completed, then the muscle will contract again, so be free and veins drain blood out of the penis so the penis return to its normal size.

Erectile dysfunction due to hypertension

As mentioned previously, erectile dysfunction can be caused by several factors, one of them is the presence of certain diseases like high blood pressure or hypertension.

High blood pressure or hypertension is one main cause of erectile problems. A scientific journal is the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society says that approximately 49% of men aged 40-79 years who have high blood pressure disease also experience erectile dysfunction.

Another study that has been published in the Journal of Urology years ago found that in 2000, men who have the disease for high blood pressure, 68% had ED problems with a different level and approximately 45% of them have problems Erectile dysfunction is quite heavy.

High blood pressure causes the arteries that drain blood into the penis continues to widen and also decreases the ability of muscles in the penis, so the results are not enough blood flow to the penis for an erection occurs.

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