Chrome Web Store Will be Ready in October 2010

Chrome Web Store Will be Ready in October 2010Chrome Web Store reportedly ready to launch in October 2010 immediately. This indicates the presence of the device with OS Chrome scheduled to present at roughly the same time.

Chrome Web Store is an online store for Google's web applications. His name began to be discussed since Google announced at the conference I / O May 19, 2010. The presence of this online store will compete with Apple's App Store and Android Market are also still belongs to Google.

Quoted from Cnet, on Wednesday (08/18/2010), Google did not mention the exact date of launch of this online application store. But most of the presentations that were discussed during the conference I / O Google Chrome Web Store will indicate ready in October 2010.

That means, the Chrome-based gadgets will start to bloom appeared in the same month. The good news, Google apparently plans to take advantage of the developers of applications only five percent.

This is certainly a great news considering the average application store will take advantage of up to 30 percent of sales at his store applications. Unfortunately, Google is still silent about this.
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