Menthol Cigarettes are More Dangerous Than Regular Cigarettes

Smoking is bad habits that damage your health, by not considering the type, flavor, or brand of cigarettes, all kinds of cigarettes are dangerous, but you need to know that, with the taste of menthol cigarettes may be more harmful than regular cigarettes.

Menthol cigarette smoking has the effect of addiction / addictive cigarettes is greater than usual, this is what makes a menthol cigarette smokers is very difficult to stop smoking. What makes cigarettes so addictive is menthol menthol flavor that many people preferred.
Menthol smokers are smoking fewer frequencies, although, smokers more menthol than any suction merima nicotine cigarettes, compared with people who smoke regular cigarettes. Pain is often added to the menthol cigarette brands labeled "light". Most novice smokers prefer cigarettes labeled light with menthol flavor.

Menthol cigarette smokers may be more addictive and more deadly than regular cigarettes. With cigarette smokers who smoke menthol flavor, menthol cigarette smoke inhaled deeper and held longer in the lungs, this causes the amount of nicotine absorbed increases and add to the damage to the lungs of smoking.
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