Some Important Tips to Preventing Heart Attack

> Regular Exercise

Exercise burn the excess fats of body hence maintains the blood cholesterol level which in turn beneficial for heat functioning. Regular exercise is also important because it reduces stress and normalizes the pulse rate.

2. Stop Smoking

Smoking is harmful to your cardiovascular health. Smoking also clogs your arteries and in the process, raises the blood pressure in those clogged arteries. This condition helps to double the heart attack risk for smokers compared with non-smokers

> Food Control

Eating behavior and type of food used is directly concern with the Heart. If food contains more Lipids (Fatty substances) material then it is stored in body in form of fat. Hence exercise or working is crucial aspect which is related to burn of these fats that have stored in body. Control of diet according to need of person maintains body and normalize heart function.

Excess fatty food also causes many other complications such as Hyperlipidemia, obesity or Arrhythmia.

> Check on Your Blood Cholesterol level

Check your blood cholesterol level after every six months. Consult the physician if there is any raise level of cholesterol.

> Be Relax

Because stress is such a factor in heart disease, eliminating or decreasing it can do wonders for your cardiovascular health.

> Control your Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is an important measure for prevention of heart attack. Your heart has to work harder to push blood through your body when your blood pressure is high. This causes your heart to enlarge and can speed up atherosclerosis (deposition of fats inside the arteries). Fortunately, by reducing your diastolic blood pressure by only 2mm Hg (millimeters per mercury), you can decrease your risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. The average healthy blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg.

> Use of Aspirin

After consultancy with physician, Daily intake of aspirin may reduce your risk of heart attack by thinning your blood and preventing clots from forming. However, you should talk with your doctor before doing so because aspirin is not safe for everyone and there are several other affects of aspirin which varies person to person.

> Control body Weight

Weight of body is directly concern with the eating behaviors and type of food consume. There should be a control weight of the body according to age, Height and need.

> Healthy environment

It is observed that the people who lives in healthy environment, breath fresh air, and work in clean and compatible places have reduce chances of heart disease.

> Consult the Pharmacists

In some case like Brain disorders, Respiratory diseases and some heart diseases, A Physician prescribed a medicine. For insurance of the safety of prescribed drug consult with the Pharmacist because there are several medicines which may not be safe for the patient.

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