High Potassium Symptoms - Elevated Potassium Effects And Diet

Symptoms Of High Potassium In Body

Hyperkalemia is a condition that is characterized by an increase in potassium levels in the blood. A certain amount of potassium is required, as it has multiple functions. It plays a major role in the digestive system and also aids metabolism. Furthermore it also helps in regulating the muscles tissues and in maintaining a balance between chemical and electrical processes. Hyperkalemia could be caused if your potassium intake is high (through either food or medication) or if there is too much potassium being released into your blood stream. The kidneys are the organs responsible for disposing the excess potassium. If they are not doing their job well, it will result in increased levels of potassium in the blood stream. Another cause of this condition could be tissue destruction through burns, trauma, or surgery. When there is a substantial amount of tissue destruction, the cells that are dying release large amounts of potassium into the blood.

Hyperkalemia can very often be asymptomatic (does not cause any symptoms). But at times, individuals suffering from this condition may show very vague symptoms such as, nausea and or fatigue, a tingling sensation and muscle weakness. Some of the more serious symptoms would be a slow heart beat and a weak or slow pulse. If severe conditions of hyperkalemia exist, it could result in cardiac arrest. Once any of these symptoms starts to surface, call you doctor immediately.

Diet To Balance Potassium Level

If you suffer from Hyperkalemia, try and limit the potassium in your diet, particularly if you have kidney problems. This is because excess potassium could build up to life threatening levels in the blood. This could cause a heart attack or irregular heartbeats. Here are few tips on what foods not to avoid and what foods to avoid. One serving (1/2 cup) a day of the some of following foods would be considered as low in potassium: Bread or bread products, rice, pasta, noodles, tea, coffee, cooked carrots, both red and green cabbage, fresh mushrooms, a stalk of celery, alfalfa sprouts, eggplant, fresh corn, radish, parsley, green peas, leached potatoes, lettuce, onions, cucumber and asparagus. Fruits that have low potassium are: strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, cherries, raspberries, grapes (juice), watermelon (1 cup), fresh peaches (one), tangerine (one), pineapple (juice) and plums. Artichokes, sweet potatoes, yams, tomato paste or tomato puree, butter beans, apricots, cantaloupe, avocado, chocolates, nuts, candy are very rich in potassium. Hence try and avoid them altogether.

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