How To Make Your Own Rosella Tea and It's Benefits

Rosella tea or red tea is a health drink which is believed to function as antioxidants to prevent premature aging, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, slows menopause, prevent bone calcification and reduce the negative effects of nicotine.

Flavor of this drink as wry as java acidic, so for those who have problems with stomach acid should be used to add moisture, or add honey.

Rosella Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn or is a plant of the hibiscus family type. It is said that this plant originated Africa and the Middle East. Plant this shrub can reach 3-5 feet high. If you've grown up, this plant will mengelurakan red flowers. Flower parts and seeds is beneficial for health.

Every 100 grams of roselle contains 260-280 mg vitamin C, vitamin D, B1 and B2. other content is 486 mg calcium, omega 3, magnesium, beta carotene and essential amino acids such as lysine and agrinine. Rosella flowers are rich in fiber are also good for digestive tract health.

How To Make Rosella Tea?
If you want to create your own Rosella tea is very easy anyway,
1. Take about 3-4 fresh rosella flowers / that have been dried,
2. Wash clean and cut in half.
3. Brewed with 200 ml of hot water, stirring with a bit of tap-tap water until the petals are red, filter.
4. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of honey. Serve warm.

If necessary add sugar if the taste is too sour.
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