The use of asbestos danger

Experts have warned of a possible increase in victims who died in two decades in the future because of the continuing use of asbestos, particularly in developing countries.

In a BBC investigative journalist and investigativ consortium, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists track usage of millions of dollars to promote the sale of asbestos to developing countries, which have no strict rules related to safety of workers.

Asbestos industry said the form used today is that they think white asbestos is safe if handled properly. White asbestos used in construction and widely used in developing countries to the roof of the house, plumbing and other building materials.

But the scientists warned that asbestos can cause cancer.

Countries such as Russia, China, Brazil, and India using asbestos as building materials are cheap.

China has strict regulations about the use of asbestos, but small companies are not supervised.

In 2009, Canada exported 153 000 tonnes of asbestos to Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and United Arab Emirates.

White asbestos is prohibited or restricted in around 52 countries with the excuse of asbestos in any form can cause disease.

Many scientists fear could cause the use of asbestos-related disease epidemic of this building material that starts when the blue and white asbestos is still legal.

WHO said white asbestos may "cause cancer in humans", including mesothelioma.

Dr. Vinence Cogliano, International Agency for Cancer Research under the WHO, said: "My personal opinion is a very high risk of asbestos. This material risks as well as other carcinogens materials, except maybe to smoke a cigarette.

"Anyone who can extend the epidemic of asbestos-exposed, in the form of exports and the continued use of this material may increase lung cancer and a type of cancer, in the coming decades," said Cogliano.

But proponents emphasize the use of asbestos safely can prevent various diseases including cancer, and a number of people have even suggested that there was no material relationship with the cancer altogether.

WHO said 125 million people exposed to white asbestos in their workplaces and the International Labor Organization, ILO estimates that 100 000 workers die each year because of asbestos related diseases.
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